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Do we desperately need a lockdown in Jammu and Kashmir?

Definetely yes,

The spike in daily COVID cases is not only shocking but an alarm that signals the tough times ahead.

Earlier doctors considered the daily cases that almost remained static at around 2000 cases per days, “a not so alarming trend” but today’s unexpected spike of more that 3000 cases is something that merits a worry.

The Jammu and Kashmir administration has time and again issued warnings to the public, to business establishments, to transporters about the deadly second wave of COVID-19 but On the other hand, administration has itself been a little reluctant in following the rules of the game in letter and spirit.

One such example is organising concerts and allowing them to take place when the second wave was in its inception and had not done the damage to a greater extent.

Todays alarming surge of more than 3000 positive cases and 25 deaths is something that demands a complete lockdown in the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir as we without an iota of doubt cannot handle the Delhi type devastation at the hands of the virus.

Looking at the health infrastructure of Delhi and Jammu and Kashmir, there is no comparison between the two, as the later’s history stands testimony to the fact that our health care is far far away from the rest of the country and can crumble within a few weeks if the spike goes up the way it did in rest of the country.

The solution lies in:

1. The lockdown, a complete shutdown that can force people to stay indoor.

2. Awareness programmes by using all the manpower available in goverment departments.

3. Full cooperation to NGO’s who work tirelessly to help people in such distressing and testing times.

4. Police, who can help in implementing the guidlines and impose fine on people who are found flouting the norms.

The mutant virus doesn’t behave the way its predecessor. It evades our immune system with ease.

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