
The Dark Side of Faith: Casting Evil in Kashmir

In the picturesque valley of Kashmir, a sinister practice has taken root, threatening to destroy the very fabric of our community. “Casting evil” – a ritual where individuals seek to harm others through supernatural means – has become an alarming trend among some Muslims in the region. This practice not only goes against the teachings of Islam but also perpetuates a culture of hatred and malevolence.

The fact that people are willing to pay money to so-called “god men” to wish ill health upon their neighbors, relatives, and business partners is a stark reminder of the depths of human depravity. The use of dead animals, fish, and other means to cast spells is not only inhumane but also un-Islamic.

What’s even more disturbing is the targeting of innocent children. This is a clear indication of a society that has lost its moral compass. We must recognize that every child is a blessing from God and deserves our love, care, and protection.

It’s time for our community leaders, religious scholars, and social activists to come together and condemn this practice in the strongest possible terms. We must promote a culture of love, compassion, and forgiveness, and reject this evil that has crept into our midst.

Let us reclaim our faith and our values, and work towards creating a society where every individual can live with dignity and respect. Let us cast aside this darkness and embrace the light of love and humanity.

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