
An Appeal to Honourable LG and Vice-chancellor, Kashmir University 

The students of M tech (batch 2018) selected by entrance test and through Gate quota by Kashmir University in year 2018 August and alloted SSM college of engineering Pattan have faced a tough situation due to callous attitude of University ,SSM authorities and continuous lockdown prevailing in valley.

In long plea the students told that soon after joining of cource in August 2018 ,the university authorities after almost more than six months changed their cource specialisation from Thermal Engineering to General Mechanical engineering without reason and fault of students and after continuous pleads appeared in ist semster exam in 2019 July ,for which result is still not available .

Then after abrogation of article and post 5th August lockdown they left no stone unturned in attending classes among chilling cold and valley band prevailing .But after minor assessment of 2nd semester in February 2020, couldn’t appear in major exam due to lock down of pandemic COVID-19.

As per university instructions ,the students are attending online classes of 3rd semester among all difficulties but recently UGC/MHRD issued Guidelines where implemented by KU for all PG ‘s and unfortunately this victimised class was ignored and kept undecided with MS/MD who are otherwise working in COVID hospitals and are being governed by MCI Rules.The MD candidates have to follow MCI Guidelines and more importantly their exam are lab based in hospital’s with all COVID equipments.Our students are from far-flung areas of state ,even some residing in red zones and how come they can come and appear in exams.

Keeping our pathetic condition of not even cleared one semester in two years ,we appeal Honourable LG ,VC Kashmir University,Deen acedmic , Controller exam and other university authorities that kindly implement UGC guidelines and decision taken for other PG’s and also see how M tech students of prestigious universities, IIT’S,NITS have been promoted on internal assessment .We request that most of students including girls are unemployed ,poor and at verge of over age and have opted home university to avoid Go outside state for all reasons including economical condition others there same batchmates who left after one year due callous approach of University/SSM have completed M tech without shedding sweat .Also we want to apprise university authorities that same batch of M tech (2018) alloted main campus are in final semester for all reasons best known to them and our unlucky lot has been victimized and ill treated.

We Hope that our genuine demand will be heard so that we can focus on online classes of 3rd semester /project work to be better examined and evaluated in future when situation normalises.

Students M tech (Batch 2018)

University of Kashmir 

SSM college

News Desk

News Desk staff at The Kashmir Radar. Posting unbiased news as we believe in pure journalism!

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