
The ‘Claim Game’ Of ‘Topper Belongs To Me’ By Coaching Institutions In Kashmir

Umran Hussain

Everytime a result is declared, the private coaching centre’s in Kashmir scramble their manpower to reach out to the toppers and reportedly beg them for a shout out.

In the year 2020 a record breaking shame was witnessed by every conscious citizen of the valley when a NEET topper was claimed by more than five coaching centres.

What irks a common man is the senseless, concocted and erroneous display of might by the private players who most of the times and logically so play a negligible role in shaping the career of the students.

The school, the teachers and the role of parents becomes the first casualty everytime a student under the influence of some unknown force from the coaching centre starts exclusively praising the private coaching centre.

A student wishing anonymity after talking to us spilled beans about his interview that featured on a local web portal. “A teacher approached me after I topped the 12th class results in science stream and handed me over a script which I was supposed to read out infront of the camera. I did what he asked me to, just because he had taught me once in the classroom.” Said the student.

Such gullibility of coaching centres is putting the lives and careers of hundreds of students at stake keeping in view the media hype given to the toppers and undermining the role of teachers in schools and parents at home. In addition to this, such exaggerated claims put down a specific section of students who even after burning midnight oil are able to score lesser marks.

There are reports claiming that coaching centres even pay money to the toppers for a simple shout out.

Let’s talk about the years which saw all educational institutions closed because of the pandemic and everyone is well aware of the fact that students didn’t attend the classes be it in their schools or private institutions but still all the private institutions shamelessly boasted about their result percentage which they never contributed to.

The goverment institutions to which 99 percent toppers belong, act as mute spectators and habitually the goverment teachers take the blame of being worthless just because they are not able to tackle the barrage of social media and main stream media advertisements giving credit to private coaching centers.

In a nutshell every stakeholder has a moral obligation to sensitize people about the dangerous repercussions of advertising lies in the name of education.

News Desk

News Desk staff at The Kashmir Radar. Posting unbiased news as we believe in pure journalism!

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