
Crime Branch starts probe into illegal structures, shopping malls in Srinagar

Srinagar August 08: The Crime Branch Kashmir starts Probe into Illegal Structures, Shopping Malls by flouting norms in Srinagar.

The statement issued to media outlets reads that there are Complaints that reportedly Illegall constructions, special shopping malls have cropped up in Srinagar city, this has happened through large scale flouting of construction norms.

Crime Branch Kashmir is Conducting Raids at Various Places across Srinagar regarding illegal constructions.

Raids are being conducted at Chanapora, Karanagar, Sanat Nagar, Zakura, Balhama, Pandach etc.The involvement of top brass in Srinagar Municipality has not been ruled out, While as the involvement of middle rung municipality officers is also being looked into it.

Those who are found guilty in flouting norms will be dealt as per law. Further Enquiry into the matter has been initiated.

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