
Kashmiri Doctor Faces Criticism for Enjoying Watermelons After Warning Against Them

A Kashmiri doctor, Dr. Wajahat, has sparked controversy online after seemingly contradicting his own health advice.

Dr. Wajahat had previously issued a warning about the dangers of consuming watermelons imported from other parts of the country. These watermelons, he cautioned, might contain harmful coloring agents used to accelerate ripening.

However, Dr. Wajahat recently surprised many by posting a picture on social media showcasing a plate of food that included watermelon, which he presumably consumed during iftar, the evening meal to break the Ramadan fast.

The tweet by Dr. Wajahat

The post drew a wave of criticism, with many netizens expressing confusion and disappointment. Some users responded with shock, with comments like “Lot of carcinogens on that plate” directly referencing Dr. Wajahat’s prior warnings. The online community widely criticized his actions, labeling it a “dual policy” that undermined his credibility.

Reaction by one the ‘X’ user.

Dr. Wajahat had gained popularity earlier this Ramadan for his social media post cautioning people about the potential health risks associated with consuming these off-season watermelons.

His advice, which resonated with many Kashmiris concerned about food safety, had gone viral. Now, however, his own social media activity has cast doubt on his message and sparked a debate about the validity of his warnings.

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