
NHM Employees observe day long strike at district Pulwama Kashmir.

Pulwama: On the call of All India NHM Union National Health Mission employees across J&K observed day long strike seeking redressal of their long pending demands including regularization of services.

Nearly nine thousands employees working under the mission in hospitals across the state suspended work which brought the health care delivery system to a grinding halt.

Hundreds of employees assembled at CMO offices across the valley, raising slogans in favor of their demands. The employees marched holding placards demanding Regularization of services, implementation of SC guidelines on equal pay equal work and accord of pending commitments made to the employees by Government of J&K in January 2018.

Apart from Regularization of employees have been demanding leaves, EPF, NPS etc and other social Security benefits at par with their regular colleagues.

“It may also be recalled that many of the commitments made to the employees by the Minister for Health and Medical Education on 22 January, 2018 remain unfulfilled till date, which compels us to endorse the strike call, ”
Said the employees”representatives.

President of the Association, Muneer Andrabi, urged the authorities to initiate steps to redress the grievances of the employees with regard to job security, financial security and social Security, “so that we are able to put in our best and concerted efforts for achievement of objective of the mission. “

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