
Stay indoors in view of looming threat of pandemic: Mushtaq Ahmad, President TFS

Shopian, The Kashmir Radar: Traders Federation President Shopian, Mr. Mushtaq Ahmad stated in a press release that it was the responsibility of every individual to prevent the spread of COVID.

Asking everyone to treat it as a wake-up call, he said, “No gathering of any kind should be allowed to take place in your respective Mohallas.”

Mushaq Ahamd known for his kind behaviour and generosity also appealed the public to arrange food and other edibles for those in need especially the daily wagers of the district.

Mushtaq Ahmad’s proactive behaviour has prompted the youth of his area to follow the COVID appropriate behavior who in turn have organised various door to door campaigns to spread the word about the destructive nature of the virus.

In his press release the President also appealed the Shopian district administration to arrange a Radiologist on war footing basis for the district hospital because both the USG machines in the hospital are literally of no use without a radiologist.

He further said that non available of a radiologist forces patients to go to the private clinics where they are charged huge sums of money.


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