
Shahnawaz Sheikh sold his RS 22 lakh SUV to buy oxygen cylinders for COVID patients

Mumbai: Needless to say that the country grabbing an acute shortage of oxygen and patients are dying due to lack of it in hospitals.

A man who lives in Malad, Mumbai, has fallen as an angel for the people in the locality. Popularly known as ‘Oxygen Man’, Shahnawaz Sheikh is working in the locality to deliver oxygen to patients on a phone call. His team is also said to have set up a ‘control room’ so that people may not face problems in receiving oxygen during the present crisis.

Passionate about helping the needy, Shahnawaz said he has sold his Rs 22 lakh SUV a few days ago to help the people who are suffering in the locality. With the money he got after selling his Ford Endeavor, Shahnawaz bought 160 oxygen cylinders to provide to the needy. Shahnawaz said that last year he had run out of money while helping the poor so he had to sell his car.

Shahnawaz is know in his locality as a staunch coronavirus warrior since last year and keeps on helping out those in need constantly.

The 31-year-old decided to help the needy especially those who die due to lack of oxygen during times of such unprecedented crisis after his friend’s wife passed away last year due to lack of oxygen in an auto-rickshaw. This incident prompted Shahnawaz to sell his prized Rs 22 lakh Ford Endeavour to raise money to buy oxygen cylinders. He was able to buy 160 of them and started working to help people.

The demand for supplying oxygen has increased manifolds. While 3 months back, he was answering 50 calls for oxygen daily, now it has shot up to 500-600 calls everyday, Shahnawaz was quoted as saying. Shahnawaz and his team first explains the procedure of operating the oxygen cylinders and after usage, the empty ones are sent back to them. So far the team has helped over 4,000 people, Shahnawaz said.

News Desk

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