
Can a pregnant woman fast during Ramadan?

The confusion over fasting during Ramadan bothers many expectant mothers. Questions on whether or not it is safe to fast during pregnancy is a serious matter of concern. Here is some expert advice on the issue so that both the mother and the baby stay safe and healthy through during the holy month.

Whether a pregnant lady should fast during the month of Ramadan:

This definitely has to be decided by your doctor who is fully aware of theĀ  issues relating to your pregnancy. If your doctor suggests fasting, there is no problem with fasting then.

A pregnant woman who suffers from certain complications during pregnancy, like high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney infections or heart problems must refrain from fasting. (Tips first published by Khaleej Times).

According to Dr Rashi Gupta, Specialist Obstetrics and Gynecology at iCare Clinics, Dubai, there are certain essential tips to follow while fasting for pregnant women:

1. She should Stay hydrated and drink plenty of water at Suhur and Iftar time.

2. Take a healthy meal when you break your fast, like- fruits, dates and fiber.

3. If you feel week during the day, break your fast immediately.

4. Energy rich foods should be consumed during suhur.

5. Avoid too much exersion during the day.

6. Ample rest and sleep is necessary.

If you feel any of the following immediately contact your doctor:

1. If you feel that you are loosing weight.

2. Feeling very thirsty, or urinating lesser than usual or if urine is dark colored. This is a sign of dehydration, and it can make you more prone to urinary tract infections (UTIs) or other complications.

3. In case of sever headaches.

4. Nausea or vomiting.

5. If you feel any change in baby’s movements, if the baby doesn’t move or moves lesser than usual.

6. Contraction-like pains. This could be a sign of premature labour.

7. Feeling dizzy, faint, weak, confused or tired, even after you have had a good rest. Break your fast immediately and drink water containing salt and sugar, or an oral rehydration solution.

In general, it is suggested that women may not fast during their first and the third trimester of pregnancy.

As per Islamic ruling, pregnant women are allowed to quit fasting during Ramadan. She can make up for the missed fasts later, when she is healthy.

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