
Meet Aqib Shafi, A Smart Tea Seller From Pulwama

Meet Aqib, a famous tea seller in main town Pulwama who claims to sell the best tea in the town. His story speaks of dedication, independence and love.

The side path near the boundary of old bus stand Pulwama in a small stall with a stove, few vessels, tea ingredients and a few chairs is where Aqib prepares the best tea in the town.

A smart looking boy in his early twenties is a happy go lucky boy who unlike other young boys doesn’t feel embarassed while working in a busy market. “What I do is better than consuming drugs. I have seen boys of my age ruining themselves by indulging in filthy activities like alcohol abuse and drug abuse, when I look at them I feel proud and I derive pleasure out of my work.” Said Aqib while talking to The Kashmir Radar.

“I am here to fulfill my desire to make my parents proud and happy, they don’t want me to go astray in the present times of crisis when depression, drugs and other delinquencies have taken over the  younger generation.” Said Aqib.

While talking about drug abuse Aqib said that it is the lack of motivation which actually plunges the youth into drug abuse. Drug abuse is the most talked about topic these days, we need to go to its roots and so far as my opinion is concerned such youth need to engage themselves in different activities, be it studies or any other business.

When we asked him about his looks, Aqib smiled and said that people come to him and ask him to try modelling. “I don’t think I can do that, Bollywood, modelling is not my cup of tea [laughs].” Said Aqib.

Aqib earns 500 to 800 Rupees per day, he starts his day at 8:30 am and closes the stall at 6pm.

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