
This Garland Is An Open Challenge To The Poor In Kashmir

Umran Hussain

A Garland worth fifty thousand rupees hanging from the neck of a groom in Kashmir is making rounds on social media with people calling it an unnecessary expense, a show-off and an open challenge to the poor people.

The picture of a groom clicked somewhere in Kashmir with a Garland worth 50,000 rupees has sent shock waves across the valley for its being an “insult to the poor” who can’t afford a simple meal for their family.

“This is one of the reason that an increasing number of girls are not able to find a proper match for them. How do you expect the groom in the picture accept a girl from a poor family, look at that pride and look at how he flaunts his money.” Said Mushataq Barqat, a religious scholor.

“Utter shame, absolutely disgusting and quite unfortunate for a society that talks of simplicity, that still has thousands of overaged unmarried girls waiting to get married. I have no objection with your being rich, but I object the way you showcase it. This is uncalled for and very unnecessary.” Wrote Irfan Hamid on his personal Facebook page after uploading the picture of the groom.

People vehemently reacted to the viral picture for its being “provocative” and a challenge to the poor. How are the poor people of our society going to take it? How are the daughters of poor fathers going to look upon this stupidity.? I am sure this picture will only bring tears into hundreds of needy eyes. You wont receive any praise for this idiocy Mr. Groom.

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