
Cyber Police sounds alert over Facebook, OLX fraud

Srinagar 20 July :The cyber fraudsters are posting fake advertisements i.e., sale of motorcycles/cars and other valuable articles on OLX platform/Facebook website.

“Whenever any customer shows interest to buy the item posted by fraudsters, he is made to believe that they are working in army or other security agency and due to their transfer to some other place ,they are selling articles in lower prices and hence make innocent and unaware people to transfer the amount into their e-wallets/bank accounts and finally cheat them and get their hard earned money” Said SP Cyber Police, Tahir Ashraf
To prevent Cyber frauds and to save general public from these fraudesters, Cyber Police Srinagar is advising general public to follow precautionary measures/ instructions issued from time to time to avoid losing their money, while intending to purchase any article shown in OLX portal or Facebook.

1.Verify the product posted in OLX portal physically, before transferring any amount to the seller;

2.Do not believe the ID cards sent by these fraudesters on the name of Army personnels ,as they are always fake

3. Do not believe these fraudster when they make you believe that the amount will be returned, once product is delivered.

4.Ask for the original documents/bills for the products of the article, you intend to purchase, prior to paying any amount; and
5. Don’t scan the QR codes sent by the OLX fraudsters for transfer money, as those transactions are fraudulent one.

6. Never pay more money than the price of the article on pretext of GST, Shipment charges ,delay taxes etc.

Cyber Police Srinagar is continuously receiving complaints regarding Vishing (OTP Frauds) and OLX/Facebook Scams.

While divulging the details, SP Cyber Police Kashmir Tahir Ashraf told that, during last two days Cyber Police Kashmir Zone saved 130000/- One Lakh Thirty Thousand rupees of the gullible people from the fraudsters and also blocked different fake bank account numbers which were involved in the commission of crime. General Public is advised to immediately contact Cyber Police Srinagar in case of any such inciden.

News Desk

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