COVID-19 Update

India should shut down the country for a few weeks to break the chain : Dr Fauci

Top epidemiologist of The United States Of America, Anthony Fauci has suggested a lockdown for a few weeks in India as an immediate step to contain the spread of the coronavirus as its deadly second wave doesn’t seem to be ending very soon.

“Well, one of the things you really need to do, to the extent that you can, is shut down temporarily the country, I think is important. If we want to time out and go back to what I said: there is the immediate, the intermediate, and the long range (measures to contain the virus). Said Fauci in an interview to The Indian Express.

He said looking at the magnitude of the crisis, India should look at putting together a crisis group that would meet and start getting things organised.

“I think the most important thing in the immediate is to get oxygen, get supplies, get medication, get PPE, those kinds of things but also, one of the immediate things to do is to essentially call a shutdown of the country,” said Fauci, who is the chief medical adviser to the Biden administration.

Fauci said it is not necessary to shut down for six months, but it can be a temporary one to put an end to the cycle of transmission.

So one of the things to be considered is to temporarily shut down, he said.

“Literally, lock down so that you wind up having less spread. No one likes to lock down the country. Well, that’s a problem when you do it for six months,” he said.


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