
Unemployed Youth Seek Ban On Coaching By Goverment Teachers

Umran Hussain

Unemployed youth appeal LG to ban govt teachers from running coaching centres.

The Kashmir Radar: The unemployed youth of the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir are taking to social media to appeal the LG administration not to allow the goverment employees to run coaching centres this winter.

Citing the recent unemployment crisis and the recruitments being done at a slower pace, the highly qualified unemployed youth have appealed the administration to put a blanket ban on private coaching by goverment employees.

“We have nowhere to go, winter is the only season which could fetch us some money by teaching in coaching centres, but unfortunately, the highly paid goverment employees, particularly teachers have already occupied places in such coaching centres. They are using their influences in schools by luring the students to their respective coaching centres.” Wrote Manzoor Ahmad, A zoology postgraduate.

“Even after receiving the directions from higher authorities the goverment employees can be seen teaching in almost every coaching institute of the valley. Who should we appeal to? We have hundreds of times requested the concerned CEO’s to take action against such erring teachers but our appeals always fell to deaf ears.” Said Umar Islam, A private school teacher.

“Despite growing unemployment rate in the union territory, our administration seems to be in slumber. We don’t ask for the goverment jobs now, all we want them to do is to put a ban on such teachers who teach in private coaching centres particularly in winters.” Said Shafat Ahmad.

According to a recent survey, Jammu and Kashmir has an unemployment rate of 22.2 percent which is the highest among all states and union territories of the country.

According to the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) figures, J&K has a 22.2 percent unemployment rate, which is even higher than the national level unemployment rate of 7.1 percent recorded across India.

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