
Advisory for Apple growers of Kashmir Valley

Due to incessant rains following measures are suggested to prevent the further spread of disease:

1. For areas where the apple orchards are at Pink bud stage, spray any one of the following fungicides:

Zineb 68% + Hexaconazole 4%72WP @ 100gm/100 Litres of water.

Dodine 65 WP @ 60g/100 Litres of water.

Dodine 40SC @ 90ml/100 Litres of water.

Fluxapyroxad (250g/1)+Pyraclostrobin (250g/1) 500 SC @ 20ml/100 Litres of water.

2. For areas where the apple orchards are at Bloom/Petal fall stage, spray any one the following fungicides:

Difenaconazole 25 EC @ 30ml/100 Litres of water.

Flusilazole 40EC@20ml/100 litres of water.

Trifloxystrobin 25% + Tebuconazole 50% 75WG@40g/100 litre of water.

Important Instructions:

1. Spray at bloom stage be conducted if scab lesions are observed and the previous spray has been conducted more than 10 days ago.

2. Low volume (Mist type) sprayer needs to be used for spraying during bloom.

3. In case of heavy rains (within 12 hours of spray) the spray is to be repeated immediately.

4. Stickers (Sandovit@ 50-75ml/100 litre of fungicide suspension) may be added except with Dodine, for better efficacy of fungicides.

5. Ensure proper drainage to avoid water stagnation in the orchards.

6. Ensure orchard sanitation by destruction of weeds/grasses.

7.Same fungicide should not be repeated continuously in two sprays.

In case of any query contact nearest Zonal office of your area or contact on the following phone Nos:

Directorate of Horticulture Rajbagh Srinagar 0194-2311484, 2311287

CHO Srinagar.01942311456-9419138794 CHO Ganderbal:019512416875-6005403530

CHO Budgam:01951255278-9622623996 CHO Bandipora:01957225101-7006451322

CHO Baramulla:01954222292-7006524304 CHO Kupwara:01955262665-9596037070

CHO Pulwama:01933219251-9419185791 CHO Anantang:01932223041-7006349858

CHO Kulgam:01931215358-7006190040 CHO Shopian:01933260280-7051585438

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