
Kashmiri’s Seek Ban On Books By JayCee Publication For Publishing Prophets Cartoon

Umran Hussain

People in Kashmir are seeking ban on history and civics books allegedly in circulation in various schools in Srinagar for published the cartoon of the last messenger of Islam(PBUH) and angel Jibraeel (AS).

A Delhi based publishing house JAY CEE publication has allegedly printed the cartoons of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Jibraeel (AS) in their history book over which people are aghast and are seeking ban on circulation of such books by this particular publishing house.

Netizens took to various social media platforms, expressing concern over this sensitive issue.

“This is a matter of concern, I totally condemn this act. Delhi based publication house namely: JAY CEE PUBLICATIONS has published history and civics book for class 7th ( which is in circulation in various Srinagar schools ) in which they have published the cartoon of prophet Mohammad ‎ﷺ and Hazrat Jibreel AS which is condemnable.We as a Muslim society should strongly Stop this .. I request all School admins to check and boycott this particular PUBLICATION and do the needful. There is no place for such kind of books neither in our schools nor in our society.
This publication must be banned. And every school should check the contents and lessons of the books thoroughly before selecting books for their schools.” Wrote one social Facebook user.

“Our schools have turned more into business houses and follow blindly these publication houses just because of their name . Barely they care about our sentiments and values. It is difficult, but in a daring step wards should move their children out of these schools.” Wrote another user.

“Of course, said Jay See Publication should be banned and the institutions should scrutinize each and every content of selected books. No place should be given such cheap publications who deliberate intention is to hurt the sentiments of particular community just to please their hate masters whose designs are very nefarious to disrupt integration.” Wrote Qaiser Ali while expressing his anger on social media.

After receiving severe backlash on social media the publication has tendered an apology and has assured to avoid such mistakes in future publications.

The Director of publication house JC Goyal in a handout said “Most humbly and respectfully, I J.C Goyal, Director of JAY CEE PUBLICATIONS PVT. LTD., due to lack of knowledge about prohibition of picturisation in the Islam, we made an unintentional mistake in our book “History & Civics Book 7, edition 2020, Chapter 02, page number 033, which has hurt the religious sentiments of our respected brethren.” read the handout.

“We as a whole team of Jay Cee Publications Pvt. Ltd apologise and highly regret for the inconvenience, thus caused to our respected brothers and friends. We also promise and assure to all our brothers and friends that the mistake will not be repeated in future editions.”

Why does depicting the Prophet Muhammad cause offence?

Islamic tradition or Hadiths, the stories of the words and actions of Muhammad(PBUH) and his Companions, prohibits images of Allah, Muhammad and all the major prophets of the Christian and Jewish traditions.

More widely, Islamic tradition has discouraged the figurative depiction of living creatures, especially human beings. Islamic art has therefore tended to be abstract or decorative.

There is no specific or explicit ban in the Quran, the holy book of Islam, on images of Allah or the Prophet Muhammad – be they carved, painted or drawn.

However, chapter 42, verse 11 of the Quran does say: “[Allah is] the originator of the heavens and the earth… [there is] nothing like a likeness of Him.”

This is taken by Muslims to mean that Allah cannot be captured in an image by human hand, such is his beauty and grandeur. To attempt such a thing is seen as an insult to Allah.

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