
The Return of ‘Daraaz’ – An Unusual Warm Festivity In Kashmir

Shoaib Gani

As the saying goes, “Your warm legs keep your whole body warm” and who other than the people in Kashmir would know the importance of a piece of cloth which always remains in demand during the winters and whenever the temperature dips below normal.

Daraaz‘ – The thermals for legs is much talked about, dearest cloth in Kashmir, whenever winter like situation ensues in here. People in this part of the world wear thermals in winters for genuine reasons and people do talk about and even post on social media about their return when winter starts here.

However, the meme gets stronger, when people talk about the ‘return of thermals’ when it is time to store them along with other winter clothes. For example, the weird feeling of wearing thermals in the month of May.

Yes, you read it right, this year’s May is turning out to be the doppelganger of the month of January because of the lower temperature and incessant rains which forced people to wear their thermals again.

This unusual return of thermals in the month of May invited a meme fest on social media, with people posting about the importance of thermals and advising people to keep them handy, as you never know, when the temperatures are going to dip irrespective of the month of year.

“My Daraaz My life” Wrote a Facebook user along with a picture of the thermals and went on to write, how Daraaz saved him in the office by not visiting the washroom frequently, which could have proven a disaster, had he been to the office without thermals.

Temperature in Kashmir has unexpectedly plunged below normal levels and several regions have seen a fresh snowfall as well.

Pertinently, meteorological department has predicted more rains in the plains and snow in the upper reaches of Jammu and Kashmir.

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